rare lv lvreq mod1
min-max mod2 min-max mod3
min-max itype1 itype2 itype3
itype4 itype5 of Life Everlasting
45 37 red-dmg 10-25
circ of Life
1 41 33 red-dmg
tors shld circ of
51 43 red-dmg 8-15
shld circ of the Sentinel
1 18 12 red-mag 2-2
ring amul orb
circ of Negation
42 35 red-mag 4-6
orb circ of Negation
41 33
red-mag 4-6
tors shld
circ of Razors
1 34 26 thorns
tors shld circ of
47 39 thorns 10-20
shld circ of Malice
1 37 29 thorns
jewl of Alacrity
1 25 17 swing2
weap of Swiftness 1
34 26 swing2 30-30
mele of
Quickness 1 46
38 swing3 40-40
mele of Alacrity
1 43 35
swing2 20-20
glov of Fervor
39 31
swing1 15-15
jewl of Winter
1 45 37 cold-min
5-9 cold-max 16-50 cold-len 150
mele of Incineration 1
43 35 fire-min 10-20 fire-max
mele of Storms
1 34 26 ltng-min 1-6
ltng-max 41-120
mele of Butchery
35 27 dmg-max
weap of Evisceration
45 37 dmg-max 41-63
weap of Maiming
1 42 34
dmg-max 3-4
shld ring
amul of Maiming
37-4 29 dmg-max
circ of Maiming
45 37 dmg-max 11-12
circ of Performance 1 48
40 dmg-min 9-14
weap of
Transcendence 1 76 68
dmg-min 15-20
weap of Measure
1 37 29 dmg-min
ring amul circ of
Excellence 1 59 51
dmg-min 6-9
ring amul
circ of Performance
81 73 dmg-min 10-13
amul circ of Bliss
1 43 37
dmg-min 5-10
jewl of Anthrax
1 33 25 dmg-pois
171-171pois-len 150
weap of Precision
1 43 35
dex 10-15
amul miss
circ of Perfection 1
59 51 dex 16-20
miss circ of Nirvana
72 64
dex 21-30
amul miss
circ of Accuracy
1 39 31 dex
ring glov of Precision
1 56 48
dex 10-15
ring glov of Perfection
75 67
dex 16-20
ring glov of Skill
1 34
26 dex 4-5
boot of Accuracy
1 46 38 dex
tors boot of Precision
60 52
dex 10-15
tors boot of
Balance 1 37
29 balance1 5-5
scha of Truth
1 44
36 balance1 7-7
jewl of
Revivification 38 30
regen 11-15
scep amul
circ of Greed
1 1 5 gold%
mcha of Greed
1 1 15
gold% 5-10
scha of Fortune
1 31 18
mag% 3-5
scha of Good Luck
47 33
mag% 6-7
scha of the Mind
1 7 3
enr 4-6
amul orb
circ wand staf of Sorcery
1 21 16
enr 11-15
amul orb
circ wand staf of
Enlightenment 41 33
enr 21-30
amul orb
circ wand staf of
Brilliance 1 21 16
enr 7-10
ring of Wizardry
41 33
enr 16-20
ring of Sorcery
26 21
enr 11-15
scep of the Tiger 1
43 35 hp 21-30
pelt of the Mammoth
1 59 51 hp
shld pelt of the Colosuss
75 67 hp
shld pelt of the Fox
1 17 13
hp 6-10
club hamm
mace ring helm of
the Wolf 1 34
26 hp 11-20
hamm mace ring
helm of the Tiger 1
51 43 hp 21-30
hamm mace ring
helm of the Mammoth 1
68 60 hp 31-40
hamm mace ring
helm of Substinence 1
45 37 hp 26-30
lcha of Substinence 1 61
53 hp 31-35
lcha of
77 69 hp 36-40
lcha of Vita
91 83 hp
lcha of Vita
110 97
hp 46-50
lcha of Life
1 1 9
hp 6-10
mcha of
Substinence 1 42 34
hp 21-25
mcha of Vita
58 50 hp 26-30
mcha of
74 66 hp 31-35
mcha of Life
1 1 14 hp
scha of Vita
47 39
hp 16-20
scha of Hope
37 hp 9-20
jewl of the Lamprey 1 55
43 lifesteal 8-9
mele of the
Lamprey 1 77 65
lifesteal 7-8
ring circ of the
Leech 1 34 26
lifesteal 3-3
glov of the Bat
1 7 4
manasteal 4-5
weap of the Wraith
1 21 16 manasteal 6-7
mele of the Vampire 1
56 48 manasteal 8-9
mele of the
Wraith 1 58 40
manasteal 5-6
amul circ of the
Vampire 1 78 66
manasteal 7-8
amul circ of the
Bat 1 35
27 manasteal 3-3
glov of Might
1 10
8 str 3-5
amul belt club
hamm circ of the Giant
1 42 34 str
amul belt club
hamm circ of the Titan
1 58 50 str
amul belt club
hamm circ of Atlus
1 71 63
str 21-30
amul belt club
hamm circ of the Ox
1 38 30
str 6-9
ring scep
mace tors of the Giant
1 55 47
str 10-15
ring scep mace
tors of the Titan
1 74 66 str
ring scep mace
tors of Strength 1
12 8 str
mele glov shld of
Might 1
33 25 str 3-5
glov shld of the Ox
1 45 37
str 6-9
mele glov
shld of the Giant
1 59 51 str
mele glov of Pacing
1 12 8 move1
boot circ of Speed
1 37 29
move3 30
circ of Transportation 65
57 move3 30 stamdrain
boot of Acceleration
51 43 move3 40
boot of Inertia
35 27 move1 3
scha of Restoration 1
20 12 rep-dur 5
armo of Ages
50 42
armo of the Centaur
20 1 hp/lvl 6
tors amul pelt
phlm of Memory
20 1 mana/lvl 6
circ amul pelt of the
Elephant 37 7
hp/lvl 4 mana/lvl 2
circ pelt of the Icicle
1 37 29 cold-min 2-3
cold-max 6-10 cold-len 50
jewl of the Glacier
58 50 cold-min 4-5 cold-max
11-15 cold-len 50 jewl of Fire
1 36
28 fire-min 4-10 fire-max 11-30
jewl of Burning 1
57 49 fire-min 11-25 fire-max
jewl of Lightning
1 36 28 ltng-min 1-1
ltng-max 21-60
jewl of Thunder
1 57 49
ltng-min 1-1 ltng-max 61-100
jewl of
Daring 1 36
28 dex 7-9
jewl of Knowledge 1
41 33 enr 7-9
jewl of Virility 1
33 25 str 5-6
jewl of Virility 1
50 42 str 7-9
jewl of Quality
1 41 33 dmg-max 2-2
lcha of Maiming
71 63 dmg-max
lcha of Quality
56 48 dmg-max
mcha of Craftsmanship 1
85 77 dmg-max 1-1
scha of Anthrax
33 25 dmg-pois 86-86
pois-len 150
mcha of Anthrax
44 36
dmg-pois 86-86 pois-len 150
scha of
35 27 cold-min 4-6 cold-max
9-12 cold-len 25 mcha of the Glacier
1 33 25
cold-min 3-3 cold-max 5-6 cold-len
25 scha of Winter
46 38
cold-min 4-5 cold-max 7-9 cold-len
25 scha of Incineration
34 26 fire-min 6-10
fire-max 12-17
mcha of Incineration
45 37 fire-min 5-7
fire-max 9-13
scha of Storms
34 26
ltng-min 1-1 ltng-max 26-38
mcha of
Thunder 1 33
25 ltng-min 1-1 ltng-max
scha of Storms
45 37 ltng-min
1-1 ltng-max 19-28
scha of the Leech
1 24 20
lifesteal 2-3
amul of the Locust
1 57 45 lifesteal 4-5
amul of the Lamprey 1
85 73 lifesteal 6-6
amul of the
Bat 1 25
21 manasteal 2-3
ring of the Wraith
1 58 46
manasteal 4-5
ring of the Vampire
1 86 74 manasteal